Harvesting an Attitude of Gratitude

Unveiling the Power of a Thankful Mind

Thank You. Two words that contain the power to change a person- if you understand their depth. Gratitude is a virtue that’s deeply ingrained in the Indian culture- remember how your parents and grandparents always encouraged you to thank the Sun every morning? Or how they taught you to be grateful for the food on your plate? To express appreciation to everyone and everything who makes life even a little bit better? Little did we know back then that we were taught how to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

However, this attitude goes way beyond our social and cultural values. Expressing gratitude is very closely related to what’s going on in our brains. When we express appreciation, or are at the receiving end of it, our brain releases two important neurotransmitters- dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals play a very significant role when it comes to making us feel good- they boost our mood immediately. Remember that rush of happiness you suddenly feel inside? That’s these two neurotransmitters on the job!

Now imagine doing this consciously- and every day. When you make it a point to practice the attitude of gratitude, these neural pathways are activated and strengthened, resulting in an overall positive mindset that stays.
Want to know exactly how to do this? Read on for some simple but effective techniques.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

It’s exactly what it sounds like- your own little space for you to write down all the things that you’re grateful for. It could be a diary, a daily planner, or even a notepad on your phone or computer. The point is to write down as many things you’re thankful for- It could be as small as a particularly good cup of tea you had, or that big presentation you gave. The moment you do this with the intention to feel good, you will inevitably focus only on things that made you feel good. In the long run, these journals are great keepsakes to revisit happy memories too!

Appreciate Yourself

This can be a little strange in the beginning- we rarely know how to appreciate ourselves. Have you ever shied away from compliments? Or felt shy because someone showered you with praise? That’s because we know how to express our admiration for others, but not ourselves. Start with small things- say thank you to yourself because you picked a great outfit for work, or you solved someone’s problem with no difficulty, or even that you woke up on time. This can help get the momentum started, and you’ll start to fall in love with yourself in no time!

Welcome Gratitude and Joy

Every time you feel joy bubbling within you, it’s important to embrace it. Many of us have a tendency to question it- do we deserve this? Is it too good to be true? The answer is simple: you really and truly deserve all the happiness in the world. It’s imperative to acknowledge your happiness and be grateful for it coming your way- no matter how big or small it is.

Make a Gratitude Buddy

Teamwork makes the dream work- and that’s true in the case of fostering an attitude of gratitude as well! Find your gratitude buddy for your daily gratitude routine- it could be your partner, your child, your friend, colleague, or any other family member. You can set a few minutes everyday where you and your buddy (or buddies) sit together and discuss everything you’re grateful for. If you can’t get together, you can do this over the phone too! Not only will this help you stick to your plan of being grateful, but it will also help your near and dear ones feel good.

What Do You Have Now?

Staying in the ‘now’ is so important when cultivating an attitude of gratitude. It can be easy to feel bad about what you don’t have now and complain about everything you know you deserve but don’t have yet. Instead, just pause, take a few moments, and redirect your attention to everything that you do have. This will make you feel thankful for everything in the moment, and hopeful for the future- and that’s a great place to be in!

Expressing your gratitude plays such a huge role in fostering socially inclusive behavior. This enhances and enriches our relationships with others, and ourselves. An attitude of gratitude is one of the simplest and best ways to live an enriched life. It’s never too late to start, so how about we start here? Thank you for reading this, and we wish you the best for your gratitude journey!

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